Thorncombe’s West Gallery Choir

Thorncombe’s medieval parish church, circa 1830
During the 18th century, purpose-built galleries to house village choirs were installed
in parish churches. Facing the altar, they were situated at the west end of the
church generally under the belfry. The job of the vestry clerk was to call out which
psalm was to be sung at various times during Sunday worship. The congregation turned
the better to hear the choir; hence the expression ‘facing the music’. Parish musicians
tended take themselves very seriously and could also get above themselves. In his
diary, the Parson at Castle Cary records how the choir took over a service and wouldn’t
stop singing. Much of Thomas Hardy’s Under the Greenwood Tree concerns the antics
of a similarly inclined West Gallery choir.

An early 19th century west gallery choir1
Thorncombe too had its West Gallery choir apparently accompanied by one instrument,
a ‘bass vile' [a violin cello]. Whether or not the choir ‘knew its place’ is not
recorded but it was paid for its services so was clearly valued. The church warden’s
accounts record that the choir was paid 8s on 5 November 1784 and again on 23 December
and Mr Hockey who was employed by the Vestry to teach at the charity school opposite
the church, bought a copy of West Gallery composer Samuel Wakely of Bridport’s Five
Anthems in 1833. In 1786 a new violincello and a book of instructions was sent from
London. Robert Hawker who was paid for ‘righting the seats in the Gallery’ in 1792,
may have played the violincello as he was reimbursed for five bass strings in 1805.2
While Pulman in his Book of the Axe mourns the demolition of the old church it was
clearly damp, cold and difficult to maintain 4. The 1860 surveyor’s report was damning
and his recommendation to replace old with new was accepted. In it he writes scathingly
that, ‘At the west end of the Nave is an immense gallery projecting 18 foot into
the church, cutting off the tower and western window. There is another hideous gallery
which entirely covers the north aisle and only 6 feet 6 inches above the floor’.5
This was for the workhouse and Sunday school children who may have sung the treble
part, as was customary in some churches. By 1840 church organs and congregational
singing had replaced village choirs and bands.
EVE HIGGS, November 2018
For a more a detailed account and detailed supporting references see:
Higgs, E., ‘Thorncombe’s West Gallery Choir’
Devon & Cornwall Notes & Queries, Autumn 2018,vol. XLII, pt. IV, pp. 97-100
1. [L. Cameron], The Singing Gallery. By the Author of “Margaret Whyte”,&c (London,
1823), title page.
2. D[orset] [Hi]story [C]entre, PE/THO/CW/1/1-2 Thorncombe Churchwardens’ Accounts
3. Choral Public Domain Library at accessed on 10 November 2018.
4. G. Pulman, The Book of the Axe: Containing a Piscatorial Description of that Stream
and Historical Sketches of all the Parishes and Remarkable Places Upon Its Banks,
(London,1875), pp. 445-448, , at http://www. accessed in 10 November
5. DHC D/RGB/LL31 Richard Grosvenor Bartelot Archive. Loose Papers and cuttings
associated with D/RGB/LL31A, 1901.