Johnson’s Wood
In 1997 Mr Johnson, a local landowner, allowed the sloping site near Dungeon Coppice
to be planted with woodland trees by Thorncombe Village Trust. Many people pass
this woodland daily when walking through from Wittey's Lane to the Dungeon without
realising its history.
The steepness of the field made cultivation difficult, and we were looking for a
suitable site for planting a large number of trees . At that time Derrick Comley,
one of the founding members of the Trust, was enthusiastically involved in tree-planting,
and was instrumental in establishing the wood. His memorial bench is there for everyone
to use and enjoy the peace while looking out over the valley.
Early plans and discussions took place in January 1997, and we were able to access
a Forestry Authority Woodland Grant from Dorset County Council, who also sent along
a Conservation Field Team to undertake planting at the end of 1997.
The site qualified as a Site of Nature Conservation Interest in Dorset, and Dorset
Wildlife Trust gave us valuable advice on management of the site.
The Trust was responsible for the fencing and aftercare of the trees.

Following advice from the County Trees and Woodlands Officer, planting was restricted
to the higher parts of the slope, leaving a glade lower down to continue providing
a habitat for plants that had been identified, such as Black Knapweed, Devil’s Bit
Scabious, Mouse Ear Hawkweed, Pignut, Louse Wort, Tormentil and Betony.
The trees chosen for planting were:30 Beech, 30 Hazel, 30 Oak, 20 Holly, 65 Ash,
15 Guelder Rose, 50 Field Maple, 15 Wayfaring Tree, 30 Small-leaved Lime, 15 Wild
Cherry, 15 Crab Apple, 15 Hawthorn. In total 250 trees and 80 shrubs.
In the intervening years the trees have grown and filled out the space, creating
a real woodland. A couple of years ago we asked advice from Dorset Wildlife Trust
over the condition and maintenance of the wood, as most of the trees had now grown
out of their protective sleeves, and some had died or fallen over. The advice given
was to leave the wood to continue as it was for the present, and to leave the fallen
trees and branches as valuable cover and habitats. We will continue to review this.
We have lopped some branches from selected trees to create a view through from the
top path :

although this needs doing again.......volunteers to help with this
are always welcome!
Finding Johnson's Wood
From the village, turn down Wittey's Lane from High Street and continue straight
on, crossing the stile at the end of the lane, and going through a field. After passing
through an open gateway you will see the wood on your left behind a fence. At the
end of the wood turn left and just down on the left is a stile and a dog-gate. The
bench is half-way up the slope.

It is now 17 years since Johnson's Wood was created. We have seen it become a beautiful
and valuable part of the landscape, and over future years we will watch as it develops.
If you haven't been there yet, take the time to visit and sit on Derrick's seat and
enjoy the view.
Clearing the bramble mountain
Following the advice detailed above, a small group of local volunteers got together
to tackle the brambles one Saturday morning.
We made quite a dent in the mountain as can be seen from the photos, but more needs
to be done, and it has to be done before the birds start nesting….so please contact
us if you can help.
Thanks for all the help on Saturday 25th Feb - lots cleared and burned. It’s amazing
what can be achieved with a willing group!